Payment Methods
- We currently accept traditional Medicare, HSA cards, and self-pay methods of payment.
- Although we are out-of-network with other insurance providers, your insurance company may reimburse you for a portion of your bill. As a courtesy, we will check your insurance benefits at the time of scheduling and then bill your insurance on your behalf.
- Credit card payments, including HSA cards, are accepted online through our secure client portal. Cash and checks can also be accepted in person at the time of your appointment. Checks are made payable to Knox Neuro, PLLC.
Neuropsychological Services
- Comprehensive Neuropsychological Evaluation – $225/hour
- In-home Evaluation- $600 flat travel fee (in addition to the regular hourly fee) for those living within 30 minutes of the Knox Neuro office (117 Huxley Road, Knoxville, TN)
Therapy Services
- $180/hour